Crime Scene Cleanup: Maintaining Safety

Crime scene cleanup is a task that all experienced and knowledgeable detectives must perform in the course of their day. With all the mess, evidence, body fluids, blood, and all other types of detritus, any investigator would want to make sure that they leave as little waste as possible. Whether it’s at home or in a crime scene, the only way to prevent or get rid of contamination is to ensure that it isn’t left behind when cleaning up a crime scene.

For example, if the crime scene was a home, all areas of the residence including any furniture, living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, etc., must be thoroughly cleaned. This includes surfaces, under the furniture, in attics, basements, and storage rooms. In some instances, these rooms are being used as staging areas for various crimes. Make sure that the rooms are completely cleaned out to avoid contamination.

Other areas that can contain contamination are in the home itself. Furniture, mattresses, and rugs are a few areas that can be contaminated. There may also be contaminants in the house’s water supply that may have come from a leak in the water heater. Water that seeps into a carpet or dirty carpet residue can contaminate the area around the home or even the source itself.

There are also ways to ensure that a crime scene cleanup will be successful and completed quickly. Some cleanup methods may include the use of bleach, either in the area of the crime scene or by the investigator. This helps eliminate organic contamination.

A secondary method of contaminating the scene is the smell of death, especially if there are bodies present. This can be minimized by taking samples of the area and smelling them using a scenter or a hand held one. Once you know what you are dealing with, the odor will be much less.

Lastly, a well-maintained crime scene will help in preventing further contamination. Any area where human remains are found will need to be properly sealed and sanitized to avoid further contamination. Also, keep in mind that once the scene has been cleaned, it will need to be sealed before investigators begin the process of making an identification of the victim.

As a crime scene remains unsolved for a long time, it is important that everything is well maintained. Keep in mind that body fluids, blood, and biological substances can remain on surfaces, furniture, and even in food and drink items. Proper sanitation is critical and must be performed to prevent contamination.

Many factors can affect a successful crime scene cleanup. The circumstances surrounding the incident will play a major role. Cleanup companies should be able to provide assistance for any circumstance that arises.